Breakdown Response and CMMS software technology

Ascom’s Breakdown Response and CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) solution allows breakdown activities to be smoothly aggregated and accurately distributed to the right staff at the right time, as well as providing a full audit trail and data for further efficiency gains.

Handling breakdowns and limiting downtime

When equipment fails the resulting downtime for maintenance and repair can mean losing up to 10% of available production time1. While you also bear the total cost of downtime, which can range from thousands of dollars per hour to millions depending on the size and nature of your business or organization2. In this scenario, time is money, where a speedy, efficient intervention is vital to restart production, minimize costs and restore profitability.

Clearly, there is the need for any breakdown in the production process to be highlighted, recorded and a response activity managed in the quickest time possible. But that’s easier said than done with increasingly complex and digitalized processes and a highly mobile response team of production operatives and maintenance engineers. Especially when staff resources may already be scarce and you are having to do more with less to maximize efficiency. As a result, breakdown alerts and activities must be collected and distributed to the right staff, in the right place and at the right time. All so they can resolve any issues in as short a time as possible.

Cost of downtime for relatively small businesses: $137 to $427 per minute. Cost of downtime for larger businesses: over $16,000 per minute ($1 million per hour) for just a short outage.
'Average Cost of Downtime per Industry' (see reference 2 below)

Breakdown Response solution

Ascom provides a true single-supplier solution for breakdown response, deployable on mobile devices using scheduling dashboards and rule-based assignments according to capability, availability and/or location. Helping you minimize downtime and achieve your efficiency goals, the solution allows for mobile initiation of breakdown response tasks, task suspension in case of issues (spare parts required etc.) and task completion with the ability to capture notes and photos to record activities including the finished task.

More information

For more information, download the Breakdown Response solution sheet below.

Or contact your local Ascom representative to discuss your needs for your workplace.
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